It started with early morning magic tricks as a child, that involved rocks in my ears.I would do magic tricks. It started with rocks in my ears. The goal- pulling it out of the adjacent ear.

I had always dreamt of having a magical life.

My career as a stylist has brought me in many different directions. From commission to booth renter, suite owner and now a salon owner- I’ve likely been where you are.

After five years of being commission, I started to see that I was capable of amazing things. As I realized what kind of life I could create, I decided to no longer limit my earning potential. I started to take chances.

I was supposed to get a four year degree and maybe go back to college for more debt. After all, I was told “you’ll never be able to support yourself doing hair, better marry rich”. Sadly, I started to believe this. I was already working 40 hours per week PLUS adding weddings and salon parties to my evenings and weekends.

In 2017, I broke into New York Fashion Week- working with international designers for Jon Reyman and Aveda.

In 2018, I became an independent stylist, booth renting in the break room that I renovated.

This was my last year behind the chair full time, I never imagined that I could do this. My COUNTY has 62k people and my TOWN 17k… the closest airport is an hour away but people were flying to me!

I opened my own salon in March of 2020. 9 days after opening, like many of you I was shut down.

I made 400k+ in personal revenue, in 8 open months.

For the past 4 years, I have been teaching other stylists from across the globe how to change their lives and you can too.

I am a mom, a wife, an entomology collector, art aficionado, music enthusiast, a Beatle MANIAC and a Lord of the Rings KNOW IT ALL.

Believe in the magic of your dreams.

xoxo Ashlee